About NSRCC Membership Application

Is membership transferable?

Submitted by admin on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 02:44

Generally, transfer of membership is not allowed as Ordinary Membership / Ordinary Membership (Basic) and Associate Membership / Associate Membership (Basic) are term membership.

However, an exception is given to members to transfer the balance of his membership term to his son who is a Full-Time National Serviceman or is an existing Operationally Ready NSman (has NS liability). The transfer fee is 10% of the prevailing entrance fee for the remaining membership term. 

What is Security Deposit? Is it refundable?

Submitted by admin on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 02:42

The Security Deposit is a compulsory deposit for your in-house credit (internal billing) account.

This in-house credit has a charge limit of $1,000 (for Basic Memberships and Ordinary/Associate Memberships below 10-year) or $2,000 (for 10-year term Ordinary/Associate Memberships and above).

The Security Deposit will be refunded (less any outstanding under the member's account) when the membership term expires, is withdrawn or is terminated. It cannot be used to off-set against current bills and subscription fees.

Can I renew/extend my membership when it expires?

Submitted by admin on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 01:19

Yes, Ordinary Members may renew/extend their membership term up to a *maximum term of 30 years provided that they are still NS liable. Ordinary Members who have completed their NS liability may extend their membership under the Associate Membership category.

The *total membership term, including previous Ordinary Membership term, cannot exceed 30 years. Associate Members may extend their Associate Membership up to a maximum term of 30 years, including any previous Ordinary Membership term.