SouthLinks Country Club
Jl. Gajah Mada 9 Km Skp Sei Ladi
Sekupang, Batam, Indonesia
Singapore Line (Hp): (65) 9730 7033
Batam Line (Hp): +62 853-5546-3306 /+62 812-7045-736, Tel: (62-778) 324 128
Affiliation Arrangement for NSRCC Members
- Buggy/caddy fees will be at prevailing rates.
- Booking of slots shall be done at least 48 hours in advance (booking hours 8am to 5pm).
- Each NSRCC member is entitled to sign up to 3 guests.
- Each NSRCC member is restricted to 2 games per month (subject to availability).
- All golfers must have valid handicap.
- A valid members card and introduction letter must be produced upon booking or registration.
- Mode of payment accepted are:
- Cash (IDR)
- Auto Debit Card
- Credit Card (Master card, Visa card, AMEX, JCB)
- Please make payment at SouthLinks Country Club, reception counter in Batam. All transactions must be in IDR