Reconfiguration of Changi Holes #16 and #17
Back in 2014, the Club had announced that the expansion of Changi Airport and proposed road works would affect our golf courses at Changi. This was followed with extensive reconfiguration efforts to ensure the remaining facilities continue to serve members well.
In the original blue print for land return, a very small plot of land bordering Changi hole #16 will be affected in late 2019. This will mark the completion of the land return plan announced back in 2014. Therefore, the Club will carry out the necessary reconfiguration works at holes #16 and #17 from Aug 1 2018 – Jan 31 2019 to effect the change in land configuration.
The Club will take the opportunity to carrying out a major re-turfing exercise at hole #13, #14 and #15 during the reconfiguration process. Some benefits include better playability and smoother turf surfaces. With good turf density, mowing heights can easily be reduced to allow faster green speed.
For the other holes at tenth tee, the Club will carry out turf replacement exercise progressively at later time, in order to bring the turf condition of tenth tee on par with first tee.
There will be some inconvenience to on-going golf games, as only part of the greens will be blocked off and works carried out in the night. Do look out for the affected areas marked with “G.U.R.” sign.
The Club seeks your understanding and cooperation during the reconfiguration period, and will endeavour to keep the disruptions at a minimal, for members to continue enjoying their golf games.