Updates in Apr 2024


The construction of the Hub has since started and Members who frequent NSRCC Changi would have noticed the clearing of the vegetation and the hustle and bustle of the construction, on the left of Changi Coast walk as you drive in.

We are happy to share that the project is running smoothly and well within schedule. Let's delve into the efforts and actions undertaken by the team.

Progress of the Construction

The team kickstarted the project in August 2023 by implementing  hoarding and site access gate works.


In line with the required regulations, hoardings are erected around the perimeter of the construction site to ensure safety and security during the construction process by separating the construction site from the surrounding vicnity.

Progress continued swiftly, as the team worked closely with NParks to ensure the vegetation was cleared with proper authorisation.


Thereafter, the ground was levelled to ensure the foundations of the hub are stable and laid evenly. 

To ensure the structural integrity of the buildings, the construction team carried out pile testing works upon completion of piling, followed by pile cap works before starting on the building structures.


This helps ensure strong foundations of the buildings before proceeding with the rest of the constructrion process.

Till mid-2024, sub-structure and building foundation are being constructed.


Throughout the entire process, the team ensures all the compliance measures are in place for a smooth progress and high quality working conditions. Read on as we share about these measures and works done.

Development Management Measures 

Earth Control Measures, also known as ECM were implemented. After heavy downpour, our waterways usually turns brown due to silt. ECM is a practice that helps to ensure that silt washed down from exposed earth surfaces at the construction site will not pollute the waterways.


Pest Control Measures: This ensures a pristine environment for the site staff as well as the neighbouring occupants. Our contractor's dedicated team employs advanced techniques to safeguard this bustling hub from unwanted guests. Through strategic monitoring, safe pesticide application, and regular inspections, we guarantee a hygienic and pest-free space, essential for the smooth operation and well-being of all who step foot on this dynamic site.


Anti-Termite Works: Termites pose a significant threat to the integrity of the structures, and our contractor's specialised team is dedicated team takes steps to prevent future termite infestations. Approved treatment methods are the key preventive measures, and we ensure that our site remains fortified against these destructive pests.


Monthly Safety Inspections: Ensuring a safe working environment is paramount at the construction site. These inspections are designed to identify potential hazards, assess safety protocols, and maintain compliance with industry standards. Through these proactive measures, we aim to create a secure environment where everyone can work efficiently and return home safely.


Waterproofing Works: Waterproofing a new concrete structure involves applying specialized materials or methods to prevent water infiltration and protect the integrity of the building. This process is essential to prevent issues such as leaks, mould growth, and structural deterioration. Our appointed contractor's specialised team carried out the waterproofing works on the pre-identified areas under the supervision of the appointed site supervision team.


Pile and Soil Load Tests: The foundation of any structure is its strength. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring the stability and reliability of our foundation. Pile and soil load tests are integral components of this assurance process. These tests are meticulously conducted to determine the load-bearing capacity of the soil and the piles that support our upcoming edifice. 


Toolbox Meetings: Throughout the duration of the project, the team holds daily Toolbox Meetings at S&R Hub set the tone for a productive day ahead. These brief gatherings bring together our dedicated team to discuss safety protocols, project updates, and any potential hazards. With a focus on collaboration and awareness, every member is equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to uphold the highest standards of safety and quality throughout our site operations.